Boat Info

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Vero Beach, FL

 Was a very busy day!!!

Arrived Vero Beach Municipal Marina in the late morning - to find Oriental neighbors Jerry & Donna on Bluejacket right in front of us at the fuel dock! 


Jerry and Donna left Oriental about a week ago - but did most of their traveling south outside in some pretty rough seas so they made it to Vero much quicker than we did.   

The mooring field is pretty full so we are all assigned a boat to "raft up" with.


Sojourn is tied to a Lepoard 39 named Voyage.  No one is aboard so we had to ease up to the boat and tie ourselves off with no assistance.


 Just a while later - Charm comes by.


And then we see Imagine approaching as well.


All the Mantas have been invited to fellow Manta owner Scott and Tina's house for a get-together in the afternoon. 

We pick up hitch-hikers Kris & Dean to go ashore.


After being graciously shuttled a few miles from the marina by the crews from Galileo and Breathe, we had a wonderful time visiting and chatting with the various crews.

Scott & Tina have a lovely home with their Manta Sangaris at the dock poolside!


We even enjoyed time with non-Manta owners of the Lagoon Sandbox that we had met in the Raggeds last year.  (Yes, we let "outsiders" in to our midst occasionally...!)


Lots of discussion about this years travel plans.


The group shot taken by Scott & Tina's grandson.


 John & Kris (Imagine)  Kris & Dean (Charm) Jason & Monica (Breathe) Scott & Tina (Sangaris) Pat (Galileo)  Robert & Lana (Sandbox) Karen & Duane (Sojourn) 

A wonderful day with lots of wonderful folks!

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