Boat Info

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Offshore near Hilton Head

Just 10 miles offshore now near Hilton Head, SC. 

Leaving the Neuse River 2 days ago we went thru a little rainstorm. Pretty rainbow on the other side. 

We’ve Had a pretty good couple of days. Some of the time we’ve had a single engine running, with all the sails up. Yesterday we put a reef in the main expecting the winds to increase overnight. They increased to about 20 kn and we turned the engine off. Expect to sail in to Saint Catherine’s Inlet about 3 o’clock this afternoon. There are some strong winds and 6 foot waves coming and that is as far as we can go comfortably outside.

It’s been very pleasant temperature wise considering the date. I’ve been wearing a long sleeve shirt and long pants, but we are pretty warm. I haven’t really been cooking so we have just been grazing on easy to eat items. Things will calm down considerably when we get in the intercoastal waterway this evening.

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