Boat Info

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Near St. Simon's Island, GA

Underway fairly early, our plan is to motor about 47 miles south to St. Simon's Island Georgia to meet up with Kris & Dean on Charm.  The waterway is just lovely and peaceful.  Not a lot of boat traffic either.

There is a pretty large tide here - about 7 feet.  The currents were fairly strong - 1-2 knots at times.  Sometimes favoring us, sometimes against.  I figure it all evened out over a day of travel.....


Tucked about 4 miles back in the marsh along the Frederica River we find Charm.  We anchored near the Frederica Fort - it looks lovely and we'll come back to tour it sometime.  Unfortunately we won't have time for a tour as we need to move south tomorrow.

Kris & Dean invited us for pizza night....can't pass that up as they make some killer pizza!


Settling in to cruising and visiting is easy with folks like these!  Fun evening.

Plans are to be near St. Johns River near Jacksonville tonight and then on to St. Augustine after that.  (All in the Intercoastal waterway as the offshore seas are still 5-6 ft. and I'm just not in the mood for that!)

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