Boat Info

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Jacksonville Beach, FL

 Tropical Storm Nicole is causing us to change our plans.  Yesterday we were told by the marina staff at St. Augustine marina that we  should not count on the mooring to hold us in the forecast strong winds on Wednesday and we scrambled a bit to decide what to do.  The winds are still forecast to gust in the high 40's for a long period of time.  We could just anchor our and ride out the storm - this would be a fairly safe option but we'd be stuck on the boat for several days.  So, we decided to hunt for a marina.

Needless to say, many other boats have the same idea.  After about 10 calls, we found a marina 18 miles back the way we just came....

4 hours of backtracking northbound on the Intercoastal.  We did run into an odd sight.  The waterway appeared to be blocked with barges and equipment - very unusual.  But as we got closer there was a narrow path to the left to transit.  The barge was apparently dredging the area in front of some new home construction.

So here we are at the very expensive Jacksonville Beach Marine.


I'll do laundry and Duane will prepare to do the rudder seal repair when we receive the part.

Ed & Cathy are nearby at the Jacksonville Naval Air Station in Jacksonville proper.  They came by for a visit - and to loan us their spare car.   Plus they treated us to a fun dinner at the marina restaurant.  Great to have such good friends out here!

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