Boat Info

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Fort Matanzas, FL

 We lucked out - the USPS finally delivered the rudder seal that we've been waiting on for several days to the St. Augustine Marina.  So mid-day, we pulled up the anchor and headed south.  Rather than try to dock (someone else was at the fuel dock so little room there) or anchor, I just held the boat at idle speed - Duane lowered and jumped in the dinghy to go retrieve our package.   With that in hand, we headed south another 15 miles while we still had some daylight.


Always fun to see the pirate tour boats out on a pretty day.


Quickly we went from very urban back to marshland.


Just two bridges needed to be opened for us today.


The current was against us (again!) and we made it to the anchorage just at dusk. 

Daytona tomorrow - there is a cold front coming thru and we want to be as far south as possible to escape the dreaded cold!

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