Boat Info

Friday, November 18, 2022

Cocoa, FL

Kris and Dean have caught up with us!  Fun to have them on the dock.

 I had invited them for supper, so I made breadsticks and cinnamon rolls to go with a hearty creamy chicken soup.

The usual recipe - half twisted into savory breadsticks.


And half rolled up with cinnamon/sugar/butter goodness.

BUT----about 10 minutes later I realized I had once again forgotten the salt in the recipe!!  I've done this too many times to recall.  I don't know what it is about the salt.....

The rolls had just barely started to rise, so I decided I could just put the dough back in the mixing bowls and knead in the salt. 

The breadsticks, now with salt, set to rise again. 


And the cinnamon rolls are now more the consistency of a bearclaw....


After baking - they turned out OK.  They are a little "tougher" than usual since the dough was handled too much.  But still quite tasty!

 Mid day, John and Kris from another Manta - Imagine - dinghied over to go ashore.  Had a nice chat with them and invited them to join the fun for supper.

The three Mantas - Imagine (at anchor), Charm and Sojourn


Fun evening catching up with Kris & Dean and getting to know Kris & John.  I'm sure we'll cross paths with them as we all head to the Bahamas soon.  (Thanks, Kris from Charm for the photo!)

We'll head south now to Vero Beach (it was 60°F in the boat this morning!) to find a little warmer weather.



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