Boat Info

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Cocoa Beach, FL

 Nice to be at a free dock, but a little weird to be here while the adjoining park is closed due to Hurricane Nicole damage.  The docks are slightly damaged where we are tied up - the smaller docks have some substantial damage.

We watched TowBoat attempt to refloat this big sunken powerboat.  They worked on it for several hours but eventually left it in place.  I suspect they will be back with reinforcements tomorrow.


We went for a nice walk around Cocoa Village.


Amazing difference since last time we were here.  I believe it must have been a weekend when we were here because last time the streets were packed with people. 


Walking along the waterfront park (that is closed) there is a lot of debris left from the storm.

The highlight of our stay so far has been watching the Artemis rocked launch in the wee hours last night.  I set the alarm for 12:50AM to be awake for the 1:04AM launch.  Watching NASA Live TV on Youtube, they announced a delay but finally launched about 1:45AM.

We had a good vantage point.  As soon as the launch started, the sky lit up almost like dawn.


Was beautiful to watch as it almost silently arced upward.  Then about a minute into the launch the deep rumbling sound made it to us.  (We're about 5 miles from Cape Canaveral)


  1. Always sad to see hurricane damage. Esp to boats.
    Lucky to see the Launch. I’m sure it was awesome to see it streaking thru the sky

    1. Beautiful launch! I remember conjuring up a Thanksgiving dinner with you there a couple of years ago.
