Boat Info

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Pittsboro, NC

 I spent most of the day with the HondaJet corporate PR department.  They had requested permission to do a "photo/video shoot" at the Asheboro Airport with their newest plane.


They arrived during the day and scouted out the airport environment.

Very cool camera mounted on a Honda Avalanche truck.


The main photographer got in some strange poses to get the "best" shot.

 They did several passes - takeoffs and landings. 



The truck "chased" them - filming at high speed down the taxiway while the airplane was on the runway. 


Here's my video of a takoff run.  You can see the chase truck at the end of the video.



And the sky was just beautiful as the sun set.



And it's a "wrap".  Fun day - the HondaJet folks were a pleasure to work with.


  1. Hey K,
    ...I knew that would be a lot of fun!!!...and they were definitely right to choose sunset for their was beautiful...

  2. Very cool. Nice to have a day to break up the routine.
