Boat Info

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Pittsboro, NC

 Weird, slightly sad day....time to give the Mooney over to it's new owner.  But time to focus on boating and quit wasting lots of $$ on the airplane each year with very little time to use it.  We'll come back to flying regularly sometime in the future.

A little bit of a complicated day - first, Duane was not "current" since we hadn't flown in 90 days.  Easy to fix - just 3 take off's and landings - so we visited Siler City for a bit.


And to hand over the plane - the new owner's flight instructor needed to be picked up at Greensboro (PTI) Airport.  So we flew over there to the "big airport".


Picked him up at one of the nice FBO's there.


Steele (the flight instructor) flew in the right seat to get familiar with the airplane. I sat in the back of the airplane for the first time in years - weird feeling!


Leaving Greensboro.  Lovely day!!


Approaching Eagles Landing for the last time in this airplane!

Time for the Mooney to go to it's new home.  One last photo.

And off it goes without us for the first time in 10+ years!


  1. They say the happiest day in a boat owners life is the day they buy the boat, and the day they sell. I disagree, selling was always sad for me. I understand how you feel - and imagine a plane is a lot like having a boat. We do look forward to seeing you on the boat - so that is a happy point for us.

  2. Hey K,
    ...Awwww...that is kind of sad...I'm sure you're glad he's going to a good the photo of you two with the plane...

  3. Wow! I agree with Kris. It must be a bit like saying good-bye to a beloved boat.
