Boat Info

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Hendersonville, NC

 It's time for the McCraw reunion! 


Nice catching up with folks we haven't seen in a year now.


And this year it seems like even more food on the table than last year!


I didn't snap a photo of my huge meal, but I thought I'd show you the sample plate I had of desserts.  Wow, it was all yummy.  I shouldn't need to eat for a week, haha!

And always fun to find photos in the albums from past years.  We were all a little younger then!



  1. Hahaha! I was feeling a little bad about the lightweight, low cal, low sodium dinner I fed you last night, but I guess that was welcomed after Sunday's meal.

  2. Always good to catch up with family, even though like you we feel as if we gained 5 lbs in 2 weeks with family, from all the good food.

  3. Hey K,
    you know I love a good family reunion...
