Boat Info

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Oriental, NC

Jerry and Donna have been storing our big Sailrite fabric order while we were away - so we went over to pick it up and had a nice visit catching up with them.

Unpacking it - lots of zippers, hardware and of course the Sunbrella and clear vinyl (O'Sea 30 polished, if you're interested)  for the enclosure panels.  


Getting right to work - I borrowed Cathy's hot knife - really makes cutting Sunbrella nice.


Hard to show photos, mostly just assembling strips of cloth.


I did make good progress - and the weather is dreamy for the middle of August!  Low 80's and a nice breeze.  More tomorrow!


  1. Nice sewing setup!
    What Sewimg machine are using?

  2. Great idea - using a hot knife and thus creating a self edge. I’m going to steel that idea. We’ve got a hot knife aboard.
    Can’t believe I’ve been sewing with Sunbrella for 30 years, (stuff for our yachts), and have been turning over all my cut edges. 😂

  3. Hey Dee - I am using my "Sailrite knock-off". It's called Rex and it's very similar to the Sailrite - I believe it's made of the same basic parts - Sailrite just has done a bit of "finishing" to theirs. Sailrite parts fit this machine - I bought a "Monster Wheel" from them and it gives the machine much more power and low speed sewing. It goes thru 8+ layers of Sunbrella with ease. But it is heavy....yes, the hot knife is wonderful vs. what you've been doing!!!

  4. Hey K,
    ...what a neat project...and what a neat knife that's very nice and perfect for the job...
