Boat Info

Monday, June 20, 2022

Oriental, NC and Ocracoke, NC

A project I'd started a few weeks ago needed to be finished.  The built-in retractable screen door appears to be original to the boat.  And it shows the years of wear and tear of constant handling with clean and not-so clean hands!   So we removed it and I got busy cleaning it.  Hard to make out but most of the white paint is gone in the high-traffic areas around the handle.


Cleaned it all up with acetone and sandpaper.  Taped it off for spray paint.


All nice and clean and white again.


And reinstalled in the boat. Really looks clean now.

Then cruising friends from Spirasepula, Jennabird and Prosperity met at M&M's for a nice chatty dinner.  Fun to reconnect as we hadn't seen several of them in a couple of years.   Spirasepula will tie up at our dock for the week while they visit their kids.  (Second restaurant meal this week - wow!)

  And now it's time to head out for a bit of fun on the boat.  It's time for our sailing club week meet-up in Ocracoke.  Beautiful but calm morning.  Almost Chilly!

The usual sights along the way - great sailing winds.  Para-glider crazy folks.


And a couple of ferries.

At the dock in our happy spot!!  Most of the other club members will arrive tomorrow for organized fun.



  1. like those manta rays on the screen door

  2. Hey K, the refurbed screen door and the mantas to keep people from accidently walking through probably don't remember it...but as a toddler at uncle jim's first wife's house basement (no idea why we were there...ask mom...but...) you walked into a sliding glass didn't break...but you crashed right into it and cried a traumatic for your big sissie...haha...probably for you as well...
