Boat Info

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Ocracoke, NC

 We started the day with a nice bike ride led by Jerry.  Nothing new of course, but was a relaxing time.


Actually, now that I think about it, there was one new thing!  There is a new trail at the Springer Point park - it leads to the little bay where we will go clamming tomorrow.


We enjoyed the walk - but lots of folks there now because the "fast ferry" shuttle drops off day-visitors here.


Our gang had a nice rest before heading to the brew-pub.

 Lots of choices for a beer - I asked the barkeep for whatever is the closest to a PBR.  She gave me a taste of Water Fired Pilsner.  It was bland enough so that's what I got.  Painful at $7 a glass!!!

We met up with the other bikers from the sailing club that had opted for the longer ride about 7 miles to see the wild ponies.  And a few of the club members that didn't go on any bike ride.


Fun to chat and get to know a few of the folks.


Next up in the early evening was the planned gathering for dinner delivery from the Italian place Sorello's.  But a storm was fast approaching - cruise captain Donna is uber-organized and had a contingency plan.  She divided all the folks up and sent them to various boats for the evening so we would be protected from the rain.

It worked out great - we had a little happy hour before the rain came.


And a small SNAFU when the restaurant delivered the meals to the wrong boats.  Donna quickly fixed that....


And then we all enjoyed a lovely meal.


Fun evening!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that looks like fun...and a little rain is a good thing sometimes...that Italian takeout reminds me of a place that did catered meals like that in Charleston...good fun!
