Boat Info

Friday, May 27, 2022

Oriental, NC

 We took What If back down to River Dunes for a diesel fuel fill-up after calling to make sure their fuel delivery had occurred as expected.


Then we played a bit of shuffle-boats as we moved What If into the slip for the summer and Charm to the outer pilings.

 With What If more easily accessible, Duane and Dean took out the "new" oven.  The new oven has "gimble" hardware (so that it can be used on a mono-hull boat - the whole oven tilts/pivots with the heeling boat).  But our existing setup on the catamaran doesn't require this installation method.  So we have to switch out the exterior case to make it fit our existing whole in the galley.  The ovens are almost identical except for this exterior housing.


Our old oven out of the boat.


It took several hours for Duane to remove/replace the housing - and for me to clean each piece as these ovens have been used quite a bit and badly needed a deep cleaning!


The middle of the process.  Always messy!


But the result is a nice shiny functional oven.  (There is a bit of adjustment Duane needs to make on the oven burner but that can wait another day!)

 Used the new stovetop to make a curry that we shared with Kris and Dean.  Then we watched a Spider Man movie ending a busy day!

1 comment:

  1. It looks great! Glad you are back in the baking business.
