Boat Info

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Oriental, NC

 We had a nice restful sleep - and got underway mid-morning for the final 25 miles to our dock.

The usual sights along the Beaufort waterfront.


The phosphate storage buildings.


Colorful tug - the Beaufort Belle....pretty day, not too windy.

Back at the dock!  Feels like home.  Jerry our neighbor from Bluejacket knew we were coming in - plus he has a wonderful view of the creek so he could see us coming for a mile or so....he met us with a friendly homecoming wave on our dock and caught our lines. 


Spent the afternoon getting the boat tied up and re-attached to "civilization" - a.k.a  power hookup and unlimited water!

Cleared back into the U.S. with customs - removed our very weather-beaten Bahamas courtesy flag.    That wraps up a wonderful winter season.  We departed October 30th so just a bit over 6 months, 3083 nautical miles and lots of memories!

Woke to a chilly rainy morning!  We may actually have to dig out the bluejeans!



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your daily life on the blog. So interesting to keep up with all the happenings, big and small. Have fun cleaning up and emptying out Sojourn 😂. Look forward to reading your land blogs.
