Boat Info

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Offshore South Florida

 Just wanted to check in since we have unexpected cell coverage. Cerca Trova went inland at West Palm Beach so all is calm for them. We’re continuing north in the Gulf Stream- we’re a few miles off shore and we’re picking up a good 2 knot current in the good direction!  We’re sailing with both sails for now at 8 knots. Looks like it might be a stormy/rainy night so we’ll put at least one reef in the main before dark. 

Seas are pretty lumpy, I did manage to have a few snacks and wash some dishes. Things tend to pile up on passages.  

Much Excitement this morning as we entered the golf stream, we caught a very nice skipjack tuna. I’ve been asking the sea gods for a tuna all season. And this one fits the bill.  It’s cleaned and in the freezer, neither of us felt interested in filleting it right now.  

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