Boat Info

Monday, May 16, 2022

Mills River, NC

 We drove to the mountains for a short visit. 

 Threatening rain, but pleasant temperatures.

 My uncle Larry had passed away and they had a memorial service for him at The Old Homeplace "barn" in Mills River.


Neat place.  They did a great tribute to Larry.  I got to see several relatives that I hadn't seen in literally ages - Great Aunt Francis who will be 90 soon, Sherlene, Steve and Larry's family of course.


After the service we drove around Mills River for a while, then had a wonderful dinner at Keith & Denise's.  Took Mom some leftovers and we posed for a quick selfie.


Always a tour of the garden/greenhouse.  Lots happening there this spring!


And we took away bags and bags of greens.

 The next morning, Mom invited us all to come to the Mills River Restaurant for breakfast. We snapped a photo before Keith & Denise arrived for some reason.....had a great meal and caught up with everyone.   Then off to visit Granny and Cordy....then back home to Pittsboro!  And happy 40th anniversary to Duane and I!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...Happy anniversary...thought of you guys on the day...we just celebrated quietly at looks like you had such a nice trip and visit....and I've got some serious Greenhouse Envy...haha...
