Boat Info

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Jacksonville, FL

 The Charm and Sojourn crews made the decision last night to begin our journey to bring What If back to Oriental.  A good weather window is early this week for an easy offshore sail.  So we were packed and ready to drive Ed & Cathy's car to Jacksonville at sunrise.



We took turns driving - always fun to see the cheerful South of the Border signs at the SC line.  We, as usual, did not stop.


In Florida!


After a detour to do some unsatisfactory shopping at Sailor's Exchange in St. Augustine, we went over to Ortega Landing to visit with Ralph & Leslie on Now & Zen.  Great to visit.


Ed and Cathy joined us and brought fixin's for a BBQ, so off to the clubhouse we all went.

 Ed looking great after his surgery - although a few pounds lighter!


Dean relaxing at the pretty marina.

Ralph tending the BBQ.


And a happy Cathy!

The final excitement for the day was to go back to Jax Naval Air Station to board What If for the night......and a little more excitement when we figured out that Dean had left his wallet in Oriental.  This is a problem because we had to clear into the Naval base.....he had no ID whatsoever.   Somehow, Ed convinced the armed guard to allow Dean on base.  Amazing!!!

Tomorrow we'll prep the boat for the passage north!  Fun but long day!


  1. Hey K,
    ...that looks like a fun'd be neat to visit Jax again after so many years...and we never during all of our trips stopped at South of the Border...kind of want to now...haha...

  2. We are so incredibly grateful for this help from the four of you.
