Boat Info

Monday, May 2, 2022

Great Harbour Cay, Berry Islands, Bahamas

This wraps up another wonderful winter season - making some new wonderful friends, enjoying the company of some "old friends" and missing a few folks that couldn't make it this year.  

 Departing with Cerca Trova on Monday morning.  We won't stop again in the Bahamas this season.  

We'll be sailing in (hopefully) pretty easy conditions for the next 4-5 days.  Our path will be mostly westbound for a day or so, then northbound when we hit the Gulf Stream giving us several knots of "free speed".  

There will be no internet connection for the vast majority of the trip, so I'll send out my usual position reports on my Ham radio when we have propogation signal (often in the early morning and late evening).  If you're not on the email list you can follow along on this link.

Sojourn Position - red dot is latest position

See you soon on US soil!

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