Boat Info

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Spanish Wells, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 We had a lazy morning and eventually set sail for the anchorage at Spanish Wells just 5 miles away.


It was a lovely start - sunshine and 10 knots of wind.  Perfect direction - we put all the sails up.


But we hadn't checked radar and soon we saw a large grey storm moving our direction. We turned on our ships radar and it looked like the storm would pass just behind we left the sails up and carefully watched the winds climb to 24 knots - 25 knots was our "turn into the wind and take the sails down" speed as we hadn't put in a reef.  But the winds never climbed past the magic number so we enjoyed a very speedy 7-8 knot sail over to Spanish Wells.


We anchored fairly close to the entrance channel so we've got up-front seats to the traffic.  Busy - in the afternoon a small cargo ship was departing.


And another little storm cropped up.

Gave the boat a nice wash but made it slow going for the cargo ship as visibility went to near zero.


We had the rest of the day to be lazy and read.  This morning it's lovely and calm.


Pretty view of the busy anchorage at sunrise.  The winds will pick up today and stay strong for about a week.  We'll likely be here thru the strong winds and make our return run to the US coast as soon as safe early next week.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...looks like you had quite the gamut of weather that day...nice and calm now though...
