Boat Info

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Great Harbour Cay, Berry Islands, Bahamas

 Our Bahamas winter is really coming to a close...

Kris & Dean from Charm gifted us a load of brownies several days ago.   But those are long gone (and were delicious!)   I had a craving for something chocolate, but my "snack stockpile" has dwindled to absolutely nothing....and since we're so close to heading back to the States and cheap food, I refuse to pay $8 for a small package of Oreos.  

And there is this problem that I am ovenless. I remembered my sweet sis talking about making microwave "mug cakes" so found an easy recipe online.  Amazingly simple - just flour, cocoa powder, sugar, milk and chocolate chips.  Microwave for 2 minutes.  Done!


I actually had a bag of white baking chips so I used those.  Really, really good!!

We called the customs agent to ask about clearing out of the country this weekend.  He encouraged us to come on in to the marina office and do the paperwork.   Royce from Cerca Trova rode in with us on our dinghy to do the same.  Easy peasy - although there was a small problem with the way I filled out the new "Click To Clear" document online which the agent easily fixed.


Back out the narrow cut.  You can barely see Sojourn anchored in the foreground.


Strange water coloring - yesterday this water was brilliant blue in the bright sunshine.  Storm clouds were moving in and gave the water an odd appearance.


Royce and Jennifer from Cerca Trova invited us over for an Indian meal - so I volunteered to make some naan bread and humus.

First the humus - made using my Nutri bullet - just canned chickpeas, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and tahini. 

The naan was simple too.  After rising an hour.



Rolled thin.


And simply fried in an ungreased hot skillet.


Sliced into manageable pieces for dipping.


The skies were very threatening and we briefly thought about postponing the dinner, but we decided after looking at the radar that it was safe to leave the boat.


Glad we did as the storm clouds mostly passed and we had a nice long visit on Cerca Trova and a yummy meal!


  1. Hey K,
    ...yeah...we love the mug's hard (not really - haha) for us to eat a whole cake before it goes it's a good option for when it's just the two of us...your nan looks awesome...

  2. ps...glad you cleared customs ok...
