Boat Info

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Alabaster Bay, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 Woke to a beautiful full moon setting!  I think I see a bit of "Pink" as they're calling it.

But the day ended up mostly grey and cloudy.

Guess you can't have all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows!  (But I'll admit that we are pretty close to that all the time!)

With my oven broken, Kris and Dean had given me a blanket invitation to bake bread, so nice to have that ability on Meshugga and now Charm.

I made a batch of buns and set them to rise.


Dinghied over to Charm where they had the oven pre-heated.  A half hour later, nicely baked buns! 

Other than that, not much else happening for the day. Just some chores and reading.  Tomorrow we'll head north to Spanish Wells.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...Pretty moon...and very pretty know I like a good overcast day at the beach...
