Boat Info

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Matthew Town, Great Inagua, Bahams

 We left just at sunrise.  The harbour opening did not have quite as much roll as it did when we came in last night.


Gentle breeze and pretty sunrise.


The waves were crashing on the shoreline even though the winds were light as we sailed past the tip of Long Island.


We had an almost-intersecting course with a freighter.

And we finally caught that nice Mahi-Mahi I've been looking for.  This was after two others "that got away".   Duane is happy, just snapped the photo at the wrong instant.

A nice one - we put him in the fridge to chill a bit before we fillet him.


The winds came up a bit an aided the speed.  Uneventful overnight.  Just at dusk we were passing the Castle Rock lighthouse (abandoned) on the tip of Acklins.


Pretty afterglow at sunset.


And beautiful sunrise approaching Great Inagua.

All the fish vacuum packed and in the freezer.


Here's a map showing where we are - pretty much the most southern point in the Bahamas.



And we're at the government dock in Matthew Town awaiting Meshugga's arrival.


  1. Hey K,
    ...another nice sail...does the lighthouse still work? or is it completely abandoned?...pretty panoramic shot too...

  2. Hey T, no, it's completely abandoned. We did go there on the dinghy several years ago. Cool visit. I should have included the link to that visit.

    Love, K
