Boat Info

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We spent pretty much the entire day on taxes.....but happy to report they're finished for the year.  

We didn't even notice until too late to wave bye to Meshugga - but they're only going to the next bay.  They left this evening to take advantage of the high tide.

We'll leave in the morning (we don't have to worry about tide too much because our draft is less than theirs).  Next stop will be Hog Cay for a day or so....then we'll be heading slowly north.  Sigh.  It's always hard to believe that the season is drawing to a close again!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...yucky taxes...ours are done...thankfully...hope yours work out well...
