Boat Info

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 The winds were light and we took a low-current opportunity to go back out to the outside reef.  It's fairly deep there so not a lot of closeup photos.  But lots of sealife.


Duane diving down to look in crevices for lobster.


A different area, clear water.


Bagged two lobsters - may be the last ones of the season as the winds pick up tomorrow and March 31st is the last day of this winter season to take lobster in the Bahamas.

A front was approaching (note the dark clouds) so it was back to the boat and a lazy afternoon of watermaking and chores.   No sundowners as there was no actual visible sundown!  (Plus a cool north wind had started to blow.)  A nice afterglow though!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...very nice underwater pics...I like the pretty periwinkle coloured fish...
