Boat Info

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We had Oda from Off Course and Sinbad from Meka II over in the morning for a quick chat about sailing to the Raggeds.  They both draw 7'  so it will be more tricky for them.  

Then before 10AM we were off the dock waving bye to Off Course.

(They are from the Netherlands and sailed the boat across from there).

Hope to see them in the Raggeds or further up the chain.


Sails up with 1 reef in the main.   Winds were as forecast for the most part - 15-20 knots.  We passed 2 freighters in the distance.  None closer than 3 miles.

The seas built up a bit as the day progressed.  Caught Duane relaxing on the back step watching the waves go by.


 But soon the waves were like this:  

 I placed the camera on the back step and hit record so you're seeing it from a stationary point.  It stayed like that all night long....yuck.  Really makes it hard to move around on the boat!

Sunset was a bit muted.



And sunrise looks much the same on a different tack.


Didn't catch any fish....but I sure did try!  

Coming in the cut at Ragged Island.


Nice to be back in protected waters!

Now for a little catch-up on sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...looks like y'all had a really nice the pretty coloured water as usual...
