Boat Info

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Sunrise was interesting - looking west the backdrop for the anchorage was stormy.  As the sun rose it painted the boats in a pretty light.  I took several photos over about 1/2 hour.


And as a rain show passed we saw a pretty little rainbow.

 A panorama showing that there are many boats here!

A couple of the bananas from the mailboat delivery had gotten pretty beaten up in the I decided to have banana/blueberry pancakes before one of the bananas rotted.  So yummy!



I guess today was the day to salvage fresh food - I had an acorn squash that I had gotten in New Bern in late October!!  It had been sortof lost in the refrigerator but I saw a bruised spot on it and decided it was time to use it.  Combined with white & sweet potatoes and onions.


Tossed with olive oil and some spice, roasted in the oven.  Combined with some collard greens and coleslaw we had a veggie dinner.

 Quiet night as the winds are picking up - we didn't feel like putting the dinghy down to go ashore.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...yeah the light there is so pretty...and that's a nice panorama too...the pancakes and the roasted veggies look delicious...I love roasted veg...
