Boat Info

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Donna and Jerry from BlueJacket stopped by in the morning for a nice chat.  Always fun to visit with our Oriental neighbors 800 miles from home!  


Dee wanted to go for a walk, so we got in the dinghy and picked her up.  We wanted to see a new  "connector trail" from the path we made last spring, connecting it to an existing trail.  One of the other cruisers had cut and marked it recently.


View from the top of the hill into Lobster Bay.


Dee with the beautiful view in the background.


The new trail was well marked - very sunny!  Glad we brought drinks!


Out to the exposed bay on the other side of the island.  This is the landside view of the cut we sailed thru yesterday with the navigational buoys.


Some pretty cactus on the trail.

 We were at low tide - stunning view.


Dee walking on the rocky shorline.


We spotted a beautiful huge starfish in the surf.  This photo is taken in the air - but the sun was so bright I couldn't see the camera screen to be sure it was a good photo.


So I stuck the camera down in the shallow water to see if I could get a good photo. 


Dee snapped this photo for me.


View from the trail heading back to the boat.

Just a wonderful day!

I'd left a poolish brewing - so when we returned from the walk it was ready to mix into a dough.  What could be better as a snack than fresh bread?


Soon it was time for sundown - lots of new faces at the cruiser hut.  And we met up with some that we knew already - Cerca Trova and Tangent are both here now as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that looks like another nice seeing the piccie of you and Duane...and that starfish is AMAZING!
