Boat Info

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Buena Vista Cay, Raagged Islands, Bahamas

We decided to follow Meshugga north to Buena Vista Cay since Hog Cay was beginning to look a bit like busy Georgetown!!

 Turns out that we do have some limited cell coverage here - so I've hoisted the router up the flag halyard to give us some spotty service.


The sail was fabulous with just a reefed main sail in 20+ knots of wind.  Approaching Buena Vista we were happy to see only Meshugga at anchor!   (For those wondering, I called Windrush on the VHF at Racoon Cay as we were passing by - he said it was rolly there in the strong winds.  I think I saw 3 boats anchored there.) 


Anchored for a few days.

Next to Meshugga who went in very close to shore!


This is how an out-island anchorage should look!

 Ashore for a bit of a walkabout.  The huge aloe plant is flowering. 


Nicholas and Duane offloaded some heavy batteries that Nicholas had on board.  They are good batteries but he had replaced them with lithium ones.  He's going to connect them to a solar panel and maybe put a light on Edward's old house.

 We were invited over to Meshugga for the afternoon and evening - Mexican Train - which Duane won handily.  (We think he cheated since his score was less than half of all of the rest of us!!)  Wonderful dinner - fabulous hosts as always.


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...very pretty there...looks like you could almost wade ashore...
