Boat Info

Friday, February 11, 2022

Buena Vista Cay, Low Water Harbour, Ragged Islands Bahamas

We woke to a very rolly boat!  The winds were fairly light but the swell opposed the wind and made the boat rock from side to side.  The dishes in my cupboard were sliding around and rattling.   So we made the decision to lift the anchor and move to the more protected bay on the island just 1/2 to the south.  (Our anchor chain had wrapped around a rock so we had to spend a few minutes freeing that first!)


But over at the new anchorage, the water was calm and beautiful. 


A pod of dolphins swam with us!  Always love this.


We went for a snorkel - the sea was more choppy than we expected with the light winds.  Some pretty coral and fishies.

We did get 2 lobsters to replenish the stock.  Back to the boat.

In the afternoon, Allen from Nauti-Nauti came over on the dinghy for a chat.   We were the only boats in the anchorage.  The plan was hatched to carry our chairs ashore for sundowners, walking the path back over to the main bay where we were anchored yesterday for a clear view of the setting sun.

Fun chatting with Allen & Patty and getting to know their guests Dan & Sharon.  (They're relatives who are visiting for 3 weeks, just can't remember "who is kin to who".)

Pretty sunset but no green flash.  Glad we walked over to this side of the island.  Back to the boats before true darkness fell as most of us were barefoot and the path has a few areas that are not terribly barefoot friendly.


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...sorry things got rolly...hope you didn't get sick...the light in the beach photos is just lovely...
