Boat Info

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Bahamas

 Started the day with some cheese grits and, strangely, fried "greenish" tomatoes.  I say "greenish" since they were green tomatoes when we got them from Maxine about 2 weeks ago.  I'd hoped they would ripen - but they didn't really. They turned a bit striped pink, but one of them was starting to have a soft spot so I decided it was time to use them, or lose them....

Good combination, actually!

The long-awaited mailboat was in port at Ragged Island!   The winds were already getting strong from the north, so taking a dinghy all the way to the government dock on Ragged Island would have been wet and awful.  So Dee arranged with Ty, Maxine's son, to retrieve all our boxes from the mailboat and bring them about 3 miles to shore near us.

We landed near the "airplane restaurant" (remember, it was damaged years ago in a hurricane and has never been repaired).

Ty chatting with Dee - such a nice young man and so helpful, just like his mom Maxine!


Kris and Dean from Charm had placed an order as well.


Toting all the boxes to the dinghies.


My "personal shopper" Ms. Archer, had placed all of my groceries in one large box.  (I guess she did that to save shipping - it's $6 a box no matter the size).


Loading the boxes in the dinghies for the ride back to the boats.


But Kris and Dean had an issue with their outboard.  No problem, Dee and Nicholas just tied them to the back of their dinghy and away we all went.  Amazing that Meshugga's 60HP engine will plane both dinghies!


Back to the boat, unloaded and stored all the goodies.  The only thing that I didn't receive was a cantaloupe as my shopper had called me and said that there were no good ones for her to send.  Nice to have the fridge re-stocked with such nice fresh veggies!

A little mishap - 6 of the 3 dozen eggs were cracked - so I simply put them in baggies and froze them.  They'll be fine for baking so none lost.


And by early evening the skies had gone grey - everyone is safe on the boats waiting for the strong winds from the frontal system to pass by in the night.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...what an amazing service for $6...and what a haul of food too...
