Boat Info

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Bahamas

We were having kindof a lazy day when Dee invited us over for a game of Canasta.  Dee won the game again.   (We still think she cheats).

As usual, sundown comes before you know it.   The sun started "melting" into the horizon so we knew it would be a nice one.


Everyone on their feet we were treated to a nice green flash.


Meshugga invited us back for a lite dinner (even though clumsy me had spilled a drink all over the cushion earlier).  Dee had made some homemade mac n' cheese, very yummy and different - it includes boiled eggs and tomatoes.  


Back to our boat I snapped a pretty picture of Meshugga - note the satellite  just to the left of their mast light.  Almost chilly evening - we closed up the hatches as it was 75 degrees.  Brrrr!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,'re so funny...75°'s in the teens here at night...
