Boat Info

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Bahamas

We went for a nice long walk with Dee and Jenny along the ocean side of Little Ragged Island.

When we had anchored the dinghy, Duane picked up a pretty shell - and it had a small octopus inside!!  He put it back near the surf and the octopus climbed out of the shell.  Pretty cool looking.

Duane forgot to set the engine properly as we left the dinghy, so he walked back about 1/4 mile to set it - he eventually caught up with us.

Dee and Jenny plugging away up the dunes/hills.

Pretty views

We beachcombed and collected sea-beans and a few other little un-identifiable trinkets.

At the entrance to the cross-island trail we cleared last year.

But the salt pond part of the trail was flooded so we decided to turn back instead of hassling with the brambles along the shore.

We ended up walking almost 4 miles. 

Here is the pile of beach-finds.  Good fun!




  1. What’s the small metal object?
    Super walk thanks !

  2. Hey K,
    ...that looks like another LONG rocky hike...neat finds...
