Boat Info

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Bahamas

 The day started out with stormy skies.

The wind kicked up with gusts up to 30 knots and we did have a brief rain.  The boat is still pointing mostly west and the ride here in the cut is fine as usual.

We had a lazy day, just doing some chores and reading.  Meshugga picked us up for sundown on the beach so we didn't even take our dinghy down!


We had discussed the snake from last year - and right on cue - Mr/Mrs. Ragged Island Boa made their appearance!  Nicholas shooed him off into the bushes and he didn't return.


The chilly wind is still blowing from the northwest, so the dinghies all anchored stern-in to the beach.   Pretty sunset and fun conversations.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K, changes are interesting though...YIKES about the snake(s)...
