Boat Info

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Bahamas

 Most of the boats from Hog Cay pulled anchor and headed south to Little Ragged Cut.  

Fun sail to start out, but the winds were on the nose for the last 1/2 of the 10 mile trip so an engine had to be turned on to make the shallow cut at high tide.

Beautiful day - you can see the vague shadow of our sail in the water.


Once everyone was anchored, Dee announced on the VHF that we would be doing a bonfire in the evening and invited everyone to come share a dish and grill.  

Nicholas had gathered a bunch of firewood - we got the firepit cleared of sand.  Fires started and we're ready for roasting.

 I believe all the boat crews were in attendance - I think I have the list corrrect - Meshugga, 360, Discovery, MochaKat, Reach, Nauti-Nauti, C-Language and Sojourn.  Fun getting to know some of the crews and always fun food at pot lucks!  Chatted away for a few hours and back to the boats, smelling of smoke well after sunset. 



  1. No sign of Mr. Musk on the island? Gosh, I miss that place!

  2. Haha - no, Elon didn't show up for happy hour! All is much the same as it was last spring. I expect it will be no different when you get down here next!

  3. Hey K,
    ...looks like a nice day for a sail...too bad the winds were the wrong way round...looks like a nice happy crowd...
