Boat Info

Thursday, December 16, 2021

New Bight Settlement, Cat Island, Bahamas

 Yeah, we're kinda stuck here as the waves out in the ocean are 5-6' still due to the high easterly winds.  Nice and calm here though!

The crew from La Gracia (Jose', Maidia, Tomas and Lucas) invited us over to their boat for sundown.

Lovely boat!! It's a Seawind 1260 that they ordered new from the factory a couple of years ago.  

Tomas is very talkative and took us for a very informative tour of the boat.  Very comfortable living areas.


It's a beautiful boat - quite different from our boats with the galley "down" in one of the hulls.


A fun evening and good to hear of all their plans for future travel.


  1. Hey K,
    ...that looks like fun...maybe the wind will die down for good sailing soon...

  2. Is this the same sea wind we came across several times last year? I remember the kids running around the deck. Beautiful boat!
