Boat Info

Monday, December 20, 2021

Hawk's Nest, Cat Island, Bahamas

 We had a very nice sail about 10 miles over to the very tip of Cat Island to Hawk's Nest.  


Just lovely here - only protected from south winds - perfect because the winds are from the south!

We took the dinghy ashore to walk around - we've flown in to Hawk's Nest airport several times - but it's been about 5 years.


Nothing has changed much physically since we've been here.


We've had many pleasant meals here poolside.  But there was no one around today.


And no planes parked either.


We walked about 1/2 mile across the runway to the marina.  It's usually full of sport fisher boats.  I think it's just a little early for that season.


Nice fuel dock -- if you're interested diesel was $6.30 per gallon.


Walking back enjoying the frangipani along the roadway.


And back to the boat - Sojourn framed by the coconut trees.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,'s really pretty there...and that's some spendy (ND word) gas for sure...
