Boat Info

Friday, November 19, 2021

Vero Beach, Fl

 We had a pretty busy day!  

First we caught the city bus at the marina to take us over to Walgreens for our Covid booster shots!!  The trip took about 20 minutes.


 And I AM smiling under that mask!


Not long after we got back to the boat, our new friends Kris and Dean arrived.


Since the mooring balls are almost all full, the marina starts "rafting" folks - more than one boat on each mooring.  We've done this before and it's good fun.  They'll be here for 5 days so we'll have a good time conversing across the decks.

And at the end of the day we walked over nearby to Dot and John's condo for a gracious dinner invite.  We met them several years ago - they are good friends with Ed and Cathy from their Boca Chica days.  Their other friends Mary Ann and Ed were over for dinner as well.  We had a wonderful time, chatting the hours away about this and that.  (And chatting about Ed & Cathy who we missed greatly!)

Back to the boat after a scrumptious meal and good company!


  1. Did you get your Booster with no problems?
    Did they ask/check that you were at 6 months?

  2. Hey Dee, no problems, but they did ask if we were at
    6 months. Not sure how you’ll get the shot sooner. They took our vaccine cards to verify the other doses.

  3. Hey Dee, no problems, but they did ask if we were at
    6 months. Not sure how you’ll get the shot sooner. They took our vaccine cards to verify the other doses.

  4. Hey Dee, no problems, but they did ask if we were at
    6 months. Not sure how you’ll get the shot sooner. They took our vaccine cards to verify the other doses.

  5. I have no idea why that comment posted so many times😳

  6. Hey K, glad you got the shot before you left the country...we got ours too...nice you got the meet up with your friends too...
