Boat Info

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Vero Beach, Fl

 If you're looking for adventure, you won't find it here for several more days!

Mundane stuff - laundry at the marina was so much easier than on the boat.....  

Although we do have to tote it over in the dinghy....

For less than $10 I got nice fluffy clean clothes and didn't have to tote or make water.

And I also picked up a few Amazon packages we had ordered.  The marina staff just piles all the packages in the open breezeway.  Folks order stuff all the time and pick the packages up whenever they arrive.  It's a fairly safe area as no one seems to have a problem with this method.

I just sort thru the packages until I see my name.

It is lovely here - so lush and green.

That's about it for the day, exciting stuff, right?

We ended the day watching the 1999 version of The Thomas Crown affair.  Didn't really get into the vibe of that one.  We both say the 1968 version is the better one.


  1. When I saw that trolley load of packages - I thought - wow - there’s someone as bad as Nicholas shopping on Amazon. 😂

  2. Hey K,
    ...glad you got all your laundry is pretty there...
