Boat Info

Monday, November 22, 2021

Vero Beach, FL

Yep, we're still here!  

Together with Kris & Dean, we used the car for some more errands.   We had discussed earlier Kris's overwhelming preference for  McDonalds french fries.  We had also discussed the Impossible Whoppers - so the decision that while we were running errands, we would get Impossible Whoppers and head to McDonalds where we would get french fries/drinks.  A sort of fast-food-adventure!  So that's exactly what we did!

No one noticed that we had brought in "outside" food.  A fun meal!

 Back to the boats- it's rainy, rainy, rainy!   So we're taking it one day at a time, calling the marina to add an extra day to our stay until the weather improves.

And later in the evening I whipped up this little hominy dish - Kris and Dean are from Idaho and have never eaten (or even heard of) hominy.  So we had picked up a can of hominy at the Publix.  Kindof as a joke....we gave them a sample.  Their response was sortof like "it isn't bad"  kindof like white rice....always fun to have new experiences!


We had some with a salad for dinner....I've never really been a big fan.  Probably won't have hominy again for years unless we find another victim!


  1. Dee, it’s just corn that’s been soaked in lye. An old method of preserving. Ground hominy makes grits.

  2. Dee, it’s just corn that’s been soaked in lye. An old method of preserving. Ground hominy makes grits.

  3. Dee, it’s just corn that’s been soaked in lye. An old method of preserving. Ground hominy makes grits.

  4. Hey K,
    ...what a great idea...the best of both...haha...funny about the hominy...I probably have a can in the cupboard right now...haha...
