Boat Info

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

St. Augustine, FL

 It's a bit warmer....not hot.....

We took a nice stroll about a mile over to the Sailor's Exchange.  It's a "flea market" kind of place with all kinds of nautical parts.  Mostly used but some new.  Fun just to browse around.  We walked in the door and saw Bret and Gideon from Panache!  They are selling their boat and starting a "land cruise" in an RV for a few years.  Had a nice long visit with them.  And Kris and Dean from Charm came in the door!    Amazing that we saw two crews that we know there!  

We didn't find anything we couldn't live without, so then we just wandered around the city.

Love the architecture!  


Just wandered down the busy streets.  A lot of tourists!


We had a fun lunch out at a pub, sitting outside in the warm sunshine.  

 On our way back to the boat we stopped by and chatted with Hahalua.  They're at the municipal marina for a few days - we'll see them at Happy Hour tomorrow.

And back to the boat, I did something bad.....I put in a load of clothes in the washing machine and didn't get the door closed....and ended up pumping all 100 gallons of water onto the floor!  What a pain.  We'll make a few trips with jerry cans to replenish the supply, so it's not a huge deal.   But still a pain.  I will obviously be more careful in the future!!!

(And before you ask, "how is that possible" - our washer is old and to keep it functional, we have over-ridden the built-in lock mechanism that would have prevented this!!)


  1. Oh NO, I hope the water in the boat didn’t cause too much damage etc. Did your bilge pumps cope to pump it all overboard?

  2. Hey Dee, yes eventually. Duane found a faulty wire on the starboard side bilge pump. Good timing! The bilge was completely full of water. But after he repaired it the pump took care of the excess water in a matter of a minute or so.
