Boat Info

Friday, November 5, 2021

St. Augustine, FL

 Unfortunately, this will be our view for the next 2 days.....we're not likely to leave the boat due to the impending nor'easter.

The forecast looks pretty yucky!!  (We're at the black star)

Depending on what weather site you look at, we could see sustained gusts of about 50 knots for 12-24 hrs tonight overnight.  We're tied securely to a mooring and we'll be on watch all night, I'm sure!  Oh well, I guess every day can't be lollipops and sunshine!


  1. So pleased you had a safe night. I hope none of the dragging boats came near to you either. I checked Windy, looks like another 24 hours of high winds for you, then Sunday will ease up. What are you reading?

    1. Middlemarch!! It’s my book club from home’s pick for this month. I’d heard of it but never read the huge tome!

  2. Hey K,
    ...that is yucky's been chilly here..we saw the storm on the news though...and thought of y'all slogging through it at's been years since I read Middlemarch...I really really like George Eliot though and I've read all of her novels...enjoy...
