Boat Info

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Cocoa Beach, Fl

 Yay!  We moved over to the "free dock" early in the morning.  We were  surprised to find that we were all alone on the dock!  

The City provides the free dock space for about 5 boats.  They limit the stay for "Intercoastal Travelers" to 48 hours.  (Local folks are limited to 8 hours according to the signage).  

Sojourn at the dock in the middle of the photo.


Since we've been on the boat for several days now, time for a bit of exercise.  We got the bikes off the boat and headed 4 miles to the Ulumay Nature Preserve.  It's just a wetlands area with a nice trail.  Once there, we opted to walk the 1.3 mile trail rather than ride since the ground was a bit mushy.  

Several overlooks along the path.


We saw lots of birds but none close enough for a good photo.  A pleasant couple of hours, stopping to eat our granola bars along the way.


On the way back to the boat, it was lunchtime - so we pulled into Burger King and each got an Impossible Whopper.  They are very good and they're included in BK's 2 for $6 deal.  Fun to do that every once in a while!

Taking advantage of all the "shopping" we stopped by Aldi and got some fresh vegetables - and scored some lovely asparagus on sale.  Love Aldi!


And it was definitely time for a haircut!  Too warm and in my eyes!


All chopped off, ready for some cool breezes!

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