Boat Info

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Pittsboro to Oriental, NC

 We spent the day yesterday getting ready to head back to the boat.  All the yard mowed and leaves blown - I pulled up all the tomato/pepper/flowers in our little garden as they were "spent".

I meant to come back and snap a photo of the nicely tidy area all mulched and ready for winter.  But I forgot.  You can imagine it though.....

At some point the "rafter" of tom turkeys cruised by.  It's a long-distance photo because they are rather shy.

This morning we met Robert for a nice brunch in Cary on the way to the boat.  (Forgot to snap a photo of him too - I'm really falling down on the job!)

Packed up with provisions - about 1/2 of what we'll put on the boat for the 6 month winter.

Stopped by the boatyard in Bridgeton to see the progress on What If's repairs.  They're getting closer to splash, maybe by the end of the week.

Back to the boat, many, many wheelbarrow loads of provisions were loaded on the boat.

Canned goods in the hanging locker....this cabinet will be much more full when I get done!


And lots of provisions in bins.

I'll be working on this for the next few weeks.  The boat will be sitting lower in the water soon due to all the added weight!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...yep it's that time of year...looks like you'll have plenty to eat...the turkeys are neat...
