Boat Info

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Pittsboro, NC

 This should be the last "Pittsboro post" this year!!

I was hosting book club as my final evening last night.  The yard was cluttered with leaves so I got out the blower to take care of it.




Before, different angle



Then I got the basement cleaned up and organized for the gathering later in the evening.


Forgot to snap a photo before Jean left - she's headed to the Galapagos tomorrow morning!  Can't wait to see photos.



A fun discussion of the book - which was a local "true crime" book Bitter Blood by Asheboro resident Jerry Bledsoe. 

We're reading a big Victorian classic next - Middlemarch!!  I'll read along and update the book club blog from the Bahamas.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...the yard looks so nice in the fall...and what a nice group...I sure do miss my book club from WV...I joined an online one...but it's not the same at all...
