Boat Info

Friday, October 8, 2021

Oriental, NC

 One of the items on the to-do list was to repair a rip in the sail bag.  I'd been dreading it since the sailbag is sortof a pain to remove from the boom.

But off it came....the skies were threatening rain, so I wanted to get the repair done quickly to avoid putting the bag back on with wet sails.

The tear was fairly small but needed to be addressed before it turned into something much worse.


I made a simple patch from Sunbrella and sewed in place.  The sailbag is quite old - I expect more than 10 years.  It's made from Sunbrella Sapphire blue - the exact same material as the patch.  I guess it will fade in a few years as well.  Re-installed just in time for a light sprinkle.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that's a nice patch...glad you got it finished before the rain...
