Boat Info

Friday, October 29, 2021

Oriental, NC

 One of the last things on the departure checklist was to dive down and scrape the growth off the prop.  Our props don't have much anti-fouling paint on them since our experiment last year didn't work too well....most of the paint has worn away leaving the brass blades exposed and a favorite for barnacle growth in the murky NC waters.

But never fear, Duane with his trusty scraper blade will make quick work of it.  All suited up with SCUBA gear - ready to step into the chilly water.


It only took a few minutes  -  he came back to report that there was almost no growth on the props so we should get full power in a couple of days when we depart!


I did some cooking and organizing in the afternoon.  In case you're wondering, this is what a pound of bacon looks like "mostly" cooked and vacuum packed.  (I've got the freezer completely full and needed to reduce volume as much as I could).  I'll open these packages and re-cook-to-crispiness individual pieces as needed.  

 And in the late afternoon, the two Manta crews relaxed by the creekside until a rainshower ran us to shelter!



  1. Hey K,
    ...yeah...I wouldn't relish a dip right now either...glad the buildup was minimal...and the fireplace gathering looks chilly and nice...

  2. Was reading your blog to Nicholas …. He says, if you don’t have enough freezer space for bacon, you need a bigger boat’
