Boat Info

Monday, October 11, 2021

Oriental, NC

Very cloudy and cool here.  "Sunrise" this morning.



The stainless steel lifelines get a patina of rust over the season.  It's not harmful at this stage as far as I know, but I don't like the look of it.


A bit of scrubbing with Barkeeper's Friend powder and it's nice and shiny again.  Rinse and repeat for many more.

Did I tell you that it's been windy here for days on end, from the north which brings lots of water to us from the Neuse River.  There is usually about a foot of air between these deck boards and the water surface.


Our neighbor's seawall is not as high as ours and the creek water is encroaching on his yard.


See the shimmer of boards below the water?  That's the neighbor's kayak launch dock that is normally well above the water! 

 Ed and Cathy are due to splash today after two long months in the boatyard!  Looking forward to seeing What If back at the dock this afternoon if all goes well.


  1. Please send me a photo of your ‘Bar Keepers Friend”. I have been using Oxalic, and unless it’s washed off 1000% any little bit of oxalic left creates more rust marks. Very frustrating. Brightwork is on my ‘To Do” list.

  2. Hey K, water is high...your shiny stainless looks much nicers...
