Boat Info

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Mills River - Concord - Mills River - Pittsboro, NC

 After visiting Duane's folks, we headed down to Concord to visit my sister and her hubby.

On the drive, I tried to capture a little early fall color.


Had a fun, relaxing evening.  Mexican take-out for dinner, then we watched some "Redneck Liberal" videos late into the night.  That guy is a hoot!  

The usual posed photo....


We had a little detour in that we'd forgotten Duane's Ipad at Mom's we decided that since we had plenty of time and nothing much planned we could just drive back and pick it up. 

Had a nice quick lunch visiting with Mom again - then on our way back to Siler City to pick up the Mooney from it's annual inspection.  No surprises - back at home now to get organized for departure in a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...I love that silly photo of us too...sorry y'all had to do so much driving...but I was really happy that you got to come visit...
