Boat Info

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Pittsboro, NC

 First thing in the morning I had an appointment for my routine photos of that, haha!!!  Fun to see the UNC helicopter at it's home base rather than over at the airport for fuel.



 Keith and Denise sent us home with a trunk full of fresh veg.


A LOT of okra!  We had it fried for dinner - but still lots left.


Time to make some pickled okra.  I love this stuff as an easy unique appetizer for happy hours on the boat.  Added spices to sterilized jars.


Packed tight with raw okra pods.


Sealed up with a boiling solution of vinegar, salt, water and a bit of sugar.


Processed in boiling water for 15 minutes.


You can see the before/after color.  12 pints.  Yum!



  1. Hey K,
    ...Did you get any of the red okra...I love okra too...but usually only fried (or Foreman Grill fried...haha)...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. They look delicious to me! And Ed will be so excited about this! LOL!
